News from Baghdad

A small spot to describe to a certain extent what it is like for the soldiers here in Iraq. I must remain anonymous as there may be some who would view this as an "official" posting, however, it is not. Just some personal views on the politics and public views in this war that has been to oftentimes tainted by the sensationalism of the media.

Location: Home, United States

I enjoy my job to the fullest, regardless of the political climate at any particular time. My family and my soldiers are the central focal point of my existence as well as my religious viewpoints.

Monday, November 01, 2004

1 November 2004

In just a few short days I will be leaving back to my second family as I complete my leave time here in the United States. I will miss my family here, however, I do look forward to seeing my soldiers and my friends in my Company. The elections are tomorrow and I am glad that I will be home to participate. I know who I am voting for and I hope that every American takes their right and their privilege to exercise their right to vote for the people they think will make a difference in today's government.

I apologise for not having posted in some time, however, I have been enjoying my leave. God bless you all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be safe! God Bless you!

12:39 AM  
Blogger Michael Hawn said...

God Speed!
Keep your head down and remember that we support you!
Semper Fi

6:02 AM  
Blogger OP said...

God Bless and enjoy the rest of your time with the family.

10:35 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

Thank you for sharing the poetry. It meant a lot to this sheep! I appreciate all you guys (and gals) are doing over there to keep our backyards safe.
God bless!!

10:39 PM  

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