News from Baghdad

A small spot to describe to a certain extent what it is like for the soldiers here in Iraq. I must remain anonymous as there may be some who would view this as an "official" posting, however, it is not. Just some personal views on the politics and public views in this war that has been to oftentimes tainted by the sensationalism of the media.

Location: Home, United States

I enjoy my job to the fullest, regardless of the political climate at any particular time. My family and my soldiers are the central focal point of my existence as well as my religious viewpoints.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

16 October 2004

To all the readers of this site I wish to express my deepest thanks for all your comments, questions and support that I have received from you either through e-mails or through comments.

First off, I wish to lay to rest one simple issue. I in no wise have ever used any profanity or name calling to express my opinions about anything. In regards to my posting about Senator Kerry's Labor Day debacle, I put that there for YOU to research and to ascertain your own views. I respect everyone's view in whatever matter, however strongly I may disagree with them. I never resort to blatant name calling and vulgar language in a childish and uneducated attempt to belittle or demean someone for what they believe. This website is not meant to be a medium for political, social or whatever else we may disagree about (which I am sure there is a plethera of issues that most people would never see eye to eye with me about). As I stated, I respect EVERYONE's view, and whether Senator Kerry or President Bush are elected this term is NOT what I wish to discuss on a day to day basis. Regardless of who is President of this country, I will follow their orders (as long as they remain legal, moral and ethical) as it is my sworn duty as a soldier to perform. Make no mistake, if ANY man tampers with the Constitution of the United States, this is one soldier who will forbid that to happen regardless of where that takes me. So, in essence, the posting that I made the other day, true or not, proves one small point that I have been trying to make. Many many people choose to use the most argumentative ways in an attempt to make their point. Make your point, then leave evidence to decide what another person decides.

The past 4 days have been daunting and somewhat harrowing. Ramadan, Ramadan oh bloody Ramadan. It kicked off today with a spectacularly vilolent beginning. If any of you have read or listened to the news in regards to a car bombing that killed several people near a police station, well, I got stuck out there for nearly six hours. Nothing was left of the car except for a few remnants. The actual target, the Iraqi police, suffered only minor to moderately severe injuries, while several innocent people were killed or injured. Sad that the insurgency winds up killing the very people they desire the following of.

This evening had us all puckered up. As soon as we got into sector we were attacked with RPGs and small arms fire. We are all ok and no damage was done, and my soldiers reacted swiftly thereby avoiding any casualties. Ramadan. Wow. Wonder if we could celebrate the Easter or Christmas by blowing ourselves up, taking innocent lives, and attacking other people, to gain a "higher station in paradise"?

I will be going on leave here in the next couple of days, which I am a little apprehensive about. With all of this going on now, and it lasting an entire month, well, needless to say, I will worry the whole time I am gone. I will e-mail my soldiers as often as I can to get the latest news from them and I will try to relax as much as possible, however, I cannot lie and say that their safety will not be in my mind.

I will close for now and get some rest. Have to start packing tomorrow. Till I write again...God bless you all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Looking at the news about Iraq, I'm concerned we're not prepared to deal w/ IED's in Iraq. From a casual observers standpoint (no military experience), it seems that supply lines were usually thought to be in "passified" territory. It seems though that this is definitely not the case in Iraq and that this makes the supply convoys more at the tip of the arrow than in any previous engagement.

My hope is that our planners and the brass are working to get the supply folks the tools, armor and firepower they need to neutralize the bad guys trying get our guys.

I'd love to see that those making IED's and ambushing our guys see that they have a very short future or that they'd better leave the country or join the forces for liberty. No other alternatives.

God bless.

3:50 AM  
Blogger OP said...


First, you've earned the right to post anything you want about John Kerry or any other politician. Any thoughtful reader of that post knew you were offering someone else's account for us to read, not yours.

I get rather choked up at times reading your blog because you and your men represent the very best of what the United States is as a country. I did a short active duty stint in Korea last year and worked with some guys who were on orders to your outfit upon their DEROS and I'm sure they are in your general vicinity now.

Godspeed your work and your return to your families and a thankful nation. You all remain in our prayers.

5:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cruise lines going to panama canal

1:38 AM  

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